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Ottawa Air Conditioner Sales

New Air Conditioner Ottawa

  • This will take you to our Furnace Options Page
    The Lennox 13ACX
    The Most affordable Lennox Air Conditioner you can buy..
  • This will take you to our cooling Options Page
    The Lennox 16ACX
    Two Stage Cooling Air Conditioner .
  • This will take you to our Duct cleaning Options Page.
    The Lennox EL16XC1.
    Quiet and Efficienct cooling.
  • This will take you to our Hot water Tank Options Page
    The Lennox SL18XC1
    The Quietest most efficient single Stage Air conditioner
  • This will take you to our Indoor Air Quality Options Page.
    Air Conditioner Repairs
    We Service all makes and models
  • This will take you to our Gas Piping Options Page.
    Air Conditioner Protection Plans
    We offer cleaning and service plans.


Ottawa Air Conditioner Sales.
81 Auriga dr Unit 12
Ottawa, Ontario, K2E 7Y5
P: (613) 235-1000